Property in Swift - Computed property | Property Observers (WillSet & DidSet)

   Computed property -  Computed properties are part of a property type in Swift.  Stored properties are the most common which save and return a stored value  Computed properties calculate (rather than store) a value. A computed property provides a getter and an optional setter to indirectly access other properties and values. Computed property in swift is an interesting topic as you can write code inside a property in swift. Computed properties are provided by classes, structures, and enumerations but stored properties are provided only by classes and structures. This computed property swift tutorial has some tips on how to use the computed property in the right way and avoid the common mistakes that swift programming beginners do while computed property. Example :- Computed property A Calculate Simple Intrest struct CalculateLoan {      var amount : Int      var rate : Int      var years : Int      var simpleInterest: Int {          get {              return ( amount * rate

How Create Animated Circle Progress Bar iOS 11 Swift 4

  Animated Circle Progress Bar iOS 11 Swift 4

Animated Circle Progress Bar iOS 11 Swift 4

With MBCircularProgressBar -

A circular, animatable & highly customizable progress bar from the Interface Builder Swift, Using pod fite MBCircularProgressBar Installation Cocoapods terminal.

pod "MBCircularProgressBar"

That - A Simple Steps to installed pod file -
  1.        Open terminal
  2.        Command on terminal go to project folder Cd path
  3.        set your project path on terminal.
  4.        command : pod init
  5.        open pod file - open -e podfile
  6.        added in pod file with in : pod "MBCircularProgressBar"
  7.        Command : Pod install
  8.        Close project of Xcode
  9.        open your Project from terminals
  10.        Command : open PodDemos.xcworkspace
After opern StoryBoard and Now drag a UIView over the viewController in storyboard

Circular Progress Bar UIView

Or set UIView Constraint width, height or verticle or horzentail space and set a class MBCircularProgressBarView in StoryBoard. Open Atribute inspector and customize progress bar according to your needs

Circular Progress Bar

Now Open ViewController.swift file

import UIKit
import MBCircularProgressBar

class ViewController: UIViewController{

@IBOutlet week var progresssView: MBCircularProgressBarView!
  override func viewDidLoad(){
     self.progresssView.value = 0
  override func viewWillAppear(){
     UIView.animate(withDuration: 10.0){
      self.progresssView.value = 60


Circular Progress Bar iPhone X


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